Tips for Memorizing Scripture

As a church, we are attempting to memorize an entire book of the Bible this year. And while that may sound daunting, it’s certainly doable on the schedule we’ve created for this goal (which you can review here). But if you’ve never tried to memorize Scripture or if it’s been a while since you’ve tried to memorize anything this lengthy, then you may be looking for some help on how to actually memorize Scripture. In this post, I’ll outline a few different methods you can try to see what works best for you.

  1. As You Go Methods - These methods are designed to fit in the margins of your life so that you can still memorize these verses without a huge time commitment or a lot of discipline. If you don’t want memorizing Scripture to feel like going to the gym, then these methods may be best for you.

    • In Your Pocket - At the beginning of each week, write the verse reference on one side of a note card with the verse text on the other side. Whenever you sit down or stand up, whenever you think about it, whenever you wake up and lay down, simply read the verse to yourself and then close your eyes and see how far you can get in the verse without reading it. By the end of the week, you should have a very good grasp of the verse and be able to recite it from memory easily.

    • Reminders - Set an alarm for yourself periodically throughout the day to read the verse and try to recite it from memory. Every time the alarm goes off, give it a shot quickly, and then go about the rest of your day until the next alarm.

    • In Your Way - Write the verse on cards and place them in your way each week (on the bathroom mirror, fridge, car dashboard, bedside table, phone background, etc.). Every time you see the card, read and try to memorize the verse.

  2. Brute Force Methods - These methods are designed to become a discipline to help you memorize the verse through intentional focus and effort. When you think of memorizing something, you likely think of methods like these.

    • Writing Lines - Just like back in school when you had to memorize vocabulary words, you can use that same method with memorizing Scripture. Take the verse and write it out on a piece of paper by hand 5-10 times every day, saying the verse as you write it. About halfway through the week, try writing the verse from memory without copying it, and by the end of the week this should come easily.

    • Repetition - Read the verse slowly out loud 25 times in a row every day. It’s even better to do this every morning and every evening. About halfway through the week, begin reciting from memory without reading it, and by the end of the week this should come easily.

    • Flash Cards - Create flash cards at the beginning of the week and spend 10 minutes every day quizzing yourself over the verse until you have it memorized immediately and easily.

  3. Musical Methods - These methods are designed to engage our minds by memorizing through hearing more than reading.

    • Audiobook Bible/Apps - Basically every Bible app will read the Bible to you, so you can listen to what you’re trying to memorize repeatedly throughout the week to try and help you memorize it. There are also Scripture memory apps which you can download to help you by repeating the verse, giving you fill-in-the-blank challenges, and other interactive methods (on the Apple App Store, I like VerseLocker because it’s free and does everything I would need it to).

    • Romans 8 Musical Album - Immanuel Church in Nashville, TN has written and recorded an album of songs based on Romans 8. While a few artistic liberties were taken, the lyrics are basically word for word the text of Romans 8 from the ESV. This album can be found on Spotify, Youtube, or their church website.

    • Make Your Own - Sometimes it’s helpful to make your own rhythm or melody to go with the words of Scripture you’re trying to memorize. If you’re someone who does that in your daily life for random phrases (like me), then take that same idea to Scripture and see how easy it is to remember these words.

Feel free to mix and match these methods or switch things up throughout the year. And remember to ask fellow church members how their memorization is going so you can encourage one another throughout the year. And most of all, remember to pray through the Scripture you’re trying to memorize so God will show you its meaning and come alongside you to help you hid His words in your heart.


Tips for Your Bible Reading Plan