
Big News:

  • VBS 2023: We are hosting our yearly Vacation Bible School here at the church July 10th-14th! Bring your kids and invite their friends every evening from 6-8:30PM. You can register at


  • Roots Summer Break: We will be taking a break from our normal Wednesday evening services and activities for the months of June and July, returning in August.

  • Better Together: Women of all ages are encouraged to join the PGBC Women’s Ministry Saturday, July 22nd at 9:30 AM for an intentional time of fellowship bringing all generations together. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway.

  • New Sermon Series: Plan to join us starting July 9th for 1 Peter: Rock of Hope, our next series after The Ten Commandments!

  • You can now give online to Pleasant Grove here. A recurring donation which is automatically drawn from your account will help you to remain consistent in your giving and the church to better budget and adjust spending.