Romans 8 Memorization Plan
In 2023 we are attempting to memorize the entirety of Romans 8 together as a church. The practice of Scripture memorization is a helpful and necessary discipline in the life of any believer, and committing to memory this chapter of Scripture specifically will assure, instruct, encourage, and embolden all who do so.
Here’s how the schedule works: Every week is either a Memorization week, a Makeup week, or a Recap week.
Memorization week - A memorization week gives you the next verse(s) in Romans 8 to memorize. This is usually 1 verse/week, but occasionally more so that the thought or sentence isn’t split in two by the verse number. Look here for tips on how to memorize Scripture.
Makeup week - A makeup week is exactly what it sounds like. Everyone falls behind sometimes or can randomly struggle with a verse/sentence, so these weeks are built into the schedule to help keep anyone from falling behind. You’ll have a Makeup week roughly every 5 verses.
Recap week - A recap week is not exactly a Makeup week, but it’s similar in that it doesn’t introduce any new verses to memorize. Recap weeks are there to help you circle back to all that you’ve already memorized and put it all together. The goal is to have the entire chapter memorized as a unit, a cohesive thought and argument, rather than simply a bunch of individual verses. Recap weeks are placed at the end of each ESV paragraph to let you put the verses you’ve memorized together throughout the year.
We hope this year of memorizing Romans 8 together will spur you on to memorizing more of the Bible throughout your life and that you’ll come to know and love our Lord better through this practice. Take and eat!